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Treatment that addresses muscular dysfunction by using a non-medicated needle to manipulate muscle groups with the end goal of decreasing pain and improving range of motion.
Spinal Manipulations and Mobilizations
We use spinal manipulation to improve pain, range of motion and overall functional movement
Functional Exercise Prescription
Exercise is not a "one size fits all." It's individualized. We develop programs specific to the needs of our patients.
Strength and Conditioning
You do not have to have pain to experience functional limitations. We provided individuals programs to help athletes achieve their performance goals
Cupping and Soft-tissue Treatments
We use cupping and other soft-tissue treatments to improve blood flow, rid pain and augment muscular function
Self-guided mobilizations and home exercises
We provide you with the tools for you to be successful such as home-based strengthening, banded-mobilizations, stretching exercises, etc.
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